CSS for styling website
Css Introduction
- 1) What is CSS?CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is a popular styling language that is used with HTML to design websites. It can also be used with any XML documents including plain XML, SVG, and XUL.More details...
- 2) What are the different variations of CSS?Following are the different variations of CSS: CSS1 CSS2 CSS2.1 CSS3 CSS4
- 3) How can you integrate CSS on a web page?There are three methods to integrate CSS on web pages. Inline method - It is used to insert style sheets in HTML document Embedded/Internal method - It is used to add a unique style to a single document Linked/Imported/External method - It is used when you want to make changes on multiple pages.
- 4) What are the advantages of CSS?Bandwidth Site-wide consistency Page reformatting Accessibility Content separated from presentation
- 5) What are the limitations of CSS?Ascending by selectors is not possible Limitations of vertical control No expressions No column declaration Pseudo-class not controlled by dynamic behavior Rules, styles, targeting specific text not possible
- 6) What is Embedded Style Sheet?body { background-color: linen; } h1 { color: red; margin-left: 80px; }
- 7) What are the advantages of Embedded Style Sheets?You can create classes for use on multiple tag types in the document. You can use selector and grouping methods to apply styles in complex situations. No extra download is required to import the information.
- 8) What is a CSS selector?It is a string that identifies the elements to which a particular declaration applies. It is also referred to as a link between the HTML document and the style sheet. It is the equivalent of HTML elements. There are several different types of selectors in CSS: - CSS Element Selector CSS Id Selector CSS Class Selector CSS Universal Selector CSS Group Selector
- 9) Name some CSS style components.Some CSS Style components are: Selector Property Value
- 10) Explain universal selector.* { color: green; font-size: 20px; }